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Bella Bledsoe

Marketing and Development
  • BS, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • MS, Environmental Justice, Environmental Informatics, University of Michigan

Bella is a current member of the marketing and development team at Spring Street International School, and a Spring Street alumna. After growing up in Seattle, Bella and her family moved to the San Juan Islands in 2011. For Bella, moving out of the city and into a small island community was a large shift, and leaving behind a school of 1,200 students to attend a school of 80 students was jarring. Ultimately, Spring Street provided Bella with the intimate classroom and learning experience she needed, as well as the opportunity to try new things including her first backpacking trip and her first trip to Peru. Graduating in 2015, Bella went to the University of California, Santa Cruz, and received a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. After graduating, Bella returned to Spring Street for a year and taught mathematics, as well as joining the marketing and development team. Now, Bella is a graduate student at the University of Michigan and is pursuing a degree in Environmental Justice and Environmental Informatics. She is grateful to be able to continue to be part of the Spring Street community as a staff member, as she continues to pursue her academic and professional goals in Michigan.